Update from Project Kairos

Hello! This page is for Project Kairos Updates.

Update to main page:  I have included a link to the full list of mugs. This links to a page with the full list.  Instructions follow.  I will no longer be responding to inquires about where I am on the list. Only if you have a X by your order and you have not actually put in an official order and paid. 

Abbreviation Key 
HCM -Haunted Christmas Mug
HHM -Haunted House Mug


February 26, 2025 All previous orders have gone out. There are several mugs just in the decorating stages and a small group of HHM potential orders are live. Working on putting together a small HCM group. And then gathering names for two bigger groups coming up this next month. 

February 19, 2025 If you have paid for a mug it will be going out by this weekend. Getting the next 20 order ready and then will email. Sorry for the delay, life is a process. 

February 9, 2025 still working on a large batch of wet work slowly drying so that I can fire it. This will be to complete orders and to start new orders. Hoping to get as much done ASAP. 

January 28, 2025 

***Most communication will be here from now on. My email has become convoluted, I don't even know how to keep many many emails to and from 300 people straight. 

 Had a hiccup with the post, due to construction trucks parked on my street they didn't deliver or pick up the mail for two days :( and I didn't notice. But the packages made it to the post office and are in transit now.  Because of the cold and my workspace practically outdoor, I haven't been doing any wet work. As of yesterday, I am moving full steam ahead. I am finished a few order on the tail end of the last batch and I will prepare a good number of mug for the next batch, hopefully a big one. 

January 19, 2025 Sent a few mugs out in this recent grouping last week and will send a few more out on Tuesday.  That will leave 4-5 left that will be a priority.  After I finish all the mugs already paid for I will start to prep for the next batch. I will send an email out this week so that you are on the lookout. Thank you! 

January 9, 2025 Happy New Year, it is 40 degrees here in Florida. I know that's not really cold but it is if you are use to working outside and don't have heat in your ceramics studio. Anyways no big deal, I am dealing with it with space heaters and soon I'll be warming up my water with an electric kettle because yes it may actually be freezing next week here. I have mugs in all stages of production so everything will be coming together soon! I'll update every other day until all paid orders are out. Thank you!  I'll be sending out a warning email in the next week for the next group. 

December 28, 2024 Sorry for the late notice, but Gideons upped their order of Christmas mugs so everything else was pushed back. I also couldn't tell you till now. Will be working on fulfilling all open orders right this week. List page will be updated with everyone placement. Will no longer answer emails about placement on list. 

December 10, 2024 Everything from Tiny Group is mail out. Due to Holiday retail expectations, Lime Green Group and Red Group have been delayed. Working on remedying that. I appreciate everyones patience.

November 6, 2024 Still forming two groups, have had multiple non responses, so I am moving forward. Will begin shipping tiny group tomorrow. Due to some of the missed responses and ppl wanted to know where they are in the list I have made a List page link up top, that will be updated from time to time. 

November 3, 2024 Forming the two groups, ten each. Last call emails have been sent out. I will be emailing those that are next in line so they can be prepared and know when to look out for the emails. So far this puts us about 100-120 number mugs, still 180 to go. Project should pick up soon. Going forward the groups will be organized by what kind of mug instead of straight down the list this will speed up production. The groups will be given names to reference here (so far colors). Almost finished with Tiny Group and will be mailing out soon. 

October 29, 2024  Tiny group has been emailed, and the mugs will be decorated next then fired. Finally done with halloween stuff but still working on Charity Prizes etc. Will start the next two grouping, to be called RED and Lime Green group.

October 17, 2024 HHM have been packed and shipped. Finishing up on other Halloween Business and moving to already paid HCM batch. HCM shouldn't take too long, small group. I am working in the low 100s. I'll try to email the next batch of people ahead of time. If you want to know where you are on the list just email me from the email that you signed up with and I'll get back to you about what number you are on my list. 

October 8, 2024 HHM  mugs are ready to ship just need to prepare for this hurricane and wait a little afterward to make sure everything is okay. Planning on shipping out Monday and Tuesday of next week. 

October 6, 2024 - HHM  Time got away from me a little bit. The mugs are fired but I wanted to touch a few of them up, but theres not enough to fill a whole kiln. So then I was fixing my medium kiln that I call Mama Bear and I got half way done and needed tool that I don't have to finish.  So then I was focusing on making more work to fill the other kiln.  .  . and here we are.  Luckily someone emailed me to remind me that its the second week of October and I need to hurry up. :) So I am and they will be shipping out this week 

September 25, 2024 - HHM are decorated and glazed and getting ready to be fired. Maybe into the kiln tonight or tomorrow . . . Hurricane in the Gulf but shouldn't disrupt too much. If all works out well, shipping next week. 

September 14, 2024 - 14 HHM will be decorated and glazed. Should take one week and then another week to pack and ship everything. Then onto next. This was a special grouping to get a bunch of Haunted House Mugs out before Halloween.  I will do the same before Christmas. I am not certain but it contains request from Group 8 - Group 10 but it's just in list order so not exact. ***sent email to everyone left on list, several emails bounced back***

September 2, 2024 - In the "wet clay stages" of the next batch that has already been ordered. Will send emails soon about the next group so they can be ready. 

August 22, 2024 - In the process of packing up a few HCM and starting on a large batch of HHM to get shipped out before October. I am more so going down the list instead of in groups. I have sent out a number or emails that have gone unanswered. If you have requested a mug and you were in any groups prior to Group 8 please reach out, so I can put you back on the list.