Kairos Mug List Official
Here is the list I am working from, a lot of details have been deleted, sorry some emails are posted I can remove upon request. It was very difficult to find a way to share the list without retyping all 280 entries. If there is an x by your name, you have been emailed and offered a mug for purchase via my website. If you have and x but you haven't a mug, that means I didn't get a order from you when it was offered or "no show" or theres a mistake (I'm a regular person) Please reach out I will put you back on the list. If you have an o, I haven't gotten to you yet.
I appreciate everyones patience, if you change your mind thats okay let me know. This was an experimental project and it grew a little too big for me. With everyones continued patience I can continue through the list otherwise I'll have to abandon the project.
Timestamp | Email address (Solely my way to communicate with you) | X offered // Not Yet | |
1 | 1/1/2024 5:51:56 | Rcsfarm@aol.com | x |
2 | 1/1/2024 5:53:21 | emily@shawncampbelllawoffices.com | x |
3 | 1/1/2024 5:57:56 | Laurie.reed@me.com | x |
4 | 1/1/2024 6:04:07 | Dawn.cusack@yahoo.com | x |
5 | 1/1/2024 6:04:08 | Rhughes02@icloud.com | x |
6 | 1/1/2024 6:04:34 | Charmingtails@hotmail.com | x |
7 | 1/1/2024 6:10:34 | jessicak.vandyke@gmail.com | x |
8 | 1/1/2024 6:19:17 | Kellyjkrz@gmail.com | x |
9 | 1/1/2024 6:19:19 | Vanessabelle21@gmail.com | x |
10 | 1/1/2024 6:20:58 | Nancy.duckworth@ucf.edu | x |
11 | 1/1/2024 6:21:58 | erica.stockler@yahoo.com | x |
12 | 1/1/2024 6:23:02 | lisamalone.lm@gmail.com | x |
13 | 1/1/2024 6:28:30 | Lisagould@rocketmail.com | x |
14 | 1/1/2024 6:30:12 | Lmgould21@gmail.com | x |
15 | 1/1/2024 6:31:29 | Lisa.busse@abbott.com | x |
16 | 1/1/2024 6:32:48 | Bear_dog02@yahoo.com | x |
17 | 1/1/2024 6:32:57 | Blainemershon@gmail.com | x |
18 | 1/1/2024 6:33:58 | abenway@me.com | x |
19 | 1/1/2024 6:34:28 | lissette.monteiro@gmail.com | x |
20 | 1/1/2024 6:36:03 | Isabellasalazar@icloud.com | x |
21 | 1/1/2024 6:36:08 | Acewake8@aol.com | x |
22 | 1/1/2024 6:37:18 | Jaltartbycas@gmail.com | x |
23 | 1/1/2024 6:43:10 | Christina@junglejimsap.com | x |
24 | 1/1/2024 6:44:31 | Patti@junglejimsap.com | x |
25 | 1/1/2024 6:46:23 | claysm4@gmail.com | x |
26 | 1/1/2024 6:48:12 | askey8@yahoo.com | x |
27 | 1/1/2024 6:48:21 | Julieserine@gmail.com | x |
28 | 1/1/2024 6:51:12 | Lhomolka$@gmail.com | x |
29 | 1/1/2024 6:53:55 | Lmconstant08@gmail.com | x |
30 | 1/1/2024 6:55:34 | Elizabethreid04@yahoo.com | x |
31 | 1/1/2024 6:56:32 | cathybeatty78@yahoo.com | x |
32 | 1/1/2024 6:57:58 | Ffemtmatt87@gmail.com | x |
33 | 1/1/2024 6:58:37 | Kymandscottgile@yahoo.com | x |
34 | 1/1/2024 7:00:21 | Cdelbuono523@gmail.com | x |
35 | 1/1/2024 7:01:26 | Sciontc58@yahoo.com | x |
36 | 1/1/2024 7:03:18 | Nortownguy@gmail.com | x |
37 | 1/1/2024 7:08:08 | princess.graceless@gmail.com | x |
38 | 1/1/2024 7:10:44 | Pintradergirl@live.com | x |
39 | 1/1/2024 7:11:19 | Cbisset@aol.com | x |
40 | 1/1/2024 7:16:47 | Meganlhomolka@gmail.com | x |
41 | 1/1/2024 7:21:53 | Smith1385t@comcast.net | x |
42 | 1/1/2024 7:22:01 | Ksgw@outlook.com | x |
43 | 1/1/2024 7:22:24 | Megancolleen@gmail.com | x |
44 | 1/1/2024 7:25:05 | Miket0220@gmail.com | x |
45 | 1/1/2024 7:25:11 | lohquesse@aol.com | x |
46 | 1/1/2024 7:25:30 | Vaurigemma77@gmail.com | ? |
47 | 1/1/2024 7:26:25 | lohquesse@aol.com | x |
48 | 1/1/2024 7:28:35 | maymedyslin@yahoo.com | x |
49 | 1/1/2024 7:29:22 | Bellyshark82@yahoo.com | x |
50 | 1/1/2024 7:29:26 | Hlsiekkinen@yahoo.com | x |
51 | 1/1/2024 7:29:59 | Stacey.marksfl@gmail.com | ? |
52 | 1/1/2024 7:30:28 | mckygrl@hotmail.com | x |
53 | 1/1/2024 7:33:37 | Elizacross@outlook.com | ? |
54 | 1/1/2024 7:34:19 | Cocobean875@aol.com | x |
55 | 1/1/2024 7:36:16 | Kgbost@yahoo.com | x |
56 | 1/1/2024 7:37:28 | Karijleach@gmail.com | x |
57 | 1/1/2024 7:37:49 | pamelasuarez519@gmail.com | ? |
58 | 1/1/2024 7:40:18 | nrok829@yahoo.com | x |
59 | 1/1/2024 7:41:05 | mnester@dickensmitchener.com | x |
60 | 1/1/2024 7:45:15 | Tinkerj02@gmail.com | x |
61 | 1/1/2024 7:45:40 | lesliegiles83@gmail.com | x |
62 | 1/1/2024 7:48:48 | Rrubin14@hmail.com | ? |
63 | 1/1/2024 7:49:44 | Marrisonj@gmail.com | ? |
64 | 1/1/2024 7:52:06 | Imabookmagnet@gmail.com | ? |
65 | 1/1/2024 7:52:12 | Sarahpearson11@yahoo.com | x |
66 | 1/1/2024 7:52:42 | nova73_2000@yahoo.com | x |
67 | 1/1/2024 7:53:40 | Cathy.teece@gmail.com | x |
68 | 1/1/2024 7:53:55 | david.reed@me.com | x |
69 | 1/1/2024 7:55:19 | Mikegul@aol.com | x |
70 | 1/1/2024 7:56:30 | jacquelyn.wetzel@gmail.com | x |
71 | 1/1/2024 7:57:23 | emilyapbenson@gmail.com | x |
72 | 1/1/2024 7:59:08 | 13tlogue@gmail.com | x |
73 | 1/1/2024 7:59:34 | Slogue.181527@gmail.com | x |
74 | 1/1/2024 7:59:37 | Saraperno1221@gmail.com | x |
75 | 1/1/2024 7:59:51 | andrewmdelong@gmail.com | x |
76 | 1/1/2024 7:59:59 | Monica.contract@gmail.com | x |
77 | 1/1/2024 8:01:03 | akjonesfamil@hotmail.com | x |
78 | 1/1/2024 8:01:25 | hannah.heinrich@gmail.com | x |
79 | 1/1/2024 8:03:07 | Emmafile2@gmail.com | x |
80 | 1/1/2024 8:03:24 | Fitzalli@hotmail.com | x |
81 | 1/1/2024 8:07:36 | jamibrawley@gmail.com | x |
82 | 1/1/2024 8:08:16 | ifrahmm@gmail.com | x |
83 | 1/1/2024 8:09:54 | Jphillips1882@gmail.com | x |
84 | 1/1/2024 8:14:47 | Eskpd@msn.com | x |
85 | 1/1/2024 8:16:11 | lisambrown1993@gmail.com | x |
86 | 1/1/2024 8:17:08 | Kmcguire809@gmail.com | x |
87 | 1/1/2024 8:17:19 | cjw05e@yahoo.com | x |
88 | 1/1/2024 8:18:21 | Iseastari@aol.com | *** |
89 | 1/1/2024 8:18:27 | Iseastari@aol.com | x |
90 | 1/1/2024 8:18:46 | xcountry95@cox.net | x |
91 | 1/1/2024 8:19:26 | Christinajln@yahoo.com | x |
92 | 1/1/2024 8:20:23 | Jsosborne@aol.com | x |
93 | 1/1/2024 8:20:59 | darrah1576@yahoo.com | x |
94 | 1/1/2024 8:23:16 | Weigels1987@msn.com | x |
95 | 1/1/2024 8:23:20 | Rleyva40@gmail.com | x |
96 | 1/1/2024 8:24:29 | andrewdupton@gmail.com | x |
97 | 1/1/2024 8:24:39 | Cetheridge17@icloud.com | x |
98 | 1/1/2024 8:25:14 | kelleeshank1982@gmail.com | x |
99 | 1/1/2024 8:26:12 | Wmcyip@yahoo.com | x |
100 | 1/1/2024 8:28:25 | elizabeth.hauck@warrington.ufl.edu | x |
101 | 1/1/2024 8:29:08 | Ambrosetanya@yahoo.com | x |
102 | 1/1/2024 8:29:54 | Tbxc2018@gmail.com | x |
103 | 1/1/2024 8:30:52 | amiej1986@yahoo.com | x |
104 | 1/1/2024 8:31:39 | Costumewb@gmail.com | x |
105 | 1/1/2024 8:33:22 | jenwdwfan@yahoo.com | x |
106 | 1/1/2024 8:35:37 | Ckays429@gmail.com | x |
107 | 1/1/2024 8:36:28 | Sarahrush92@gmail.com | x |
108 | 1/1/2024 8:43:25 | allisonnicolejones1994@gmail.com | x |
109 | 1/1/2024 8:43:26 | Kfonseca02@gmail.com | x |
110 | 1/1/2024 8:45:47 | Fumbleroski@yahoo.com | x |
111 | 1/1/2024 8:46:03 | ariphilip@csu.fullerton.edu | x |
112 | 1/1/2024 8:48:22 | Nat.rn2@hotmail.com | x |
113 | 1/1/2024 8:48:56 | meliason23.me@gmail.com | x |
114 | 1/1/2024 8:50:44 | shaunm337@aol.com | x |
115 | 1/1/2024 8:55:30 | anikalvarado@gmail.com | x |
116 | 1/1/2024 8:57:05 | kthomas2523@gmail.com | x |
117 | 1/1/2024 8:57:19 | ileneglance@mac.com | x |
118 | 1/1/2024 9:05:09 | ktoftee@gmail.com | x |
119 | 1/1/2024 9:10:40 | Lisa.m.house2022@gmail.com | x |
120 | 1/1/2024 9:11:22 | Tarah16@gmail.com | x |
121 | 1/1/2024 9:14:17 | donnie@bcamail.com | x |
122 | 1/1/2024 9:17:56 | bgetman7@gmail.com | x |
123 | 1/1/2024 9:19:09 | peck.carlee@gmail.com | x |
124 | 1/1/2024 9:21:32 | princeali0608@gmail.com | x |
125 | 1/1/2024 9:25:00 | Polar_lake@yahoo.com | x |
126 | 1/1/2024 9:25:43 | Lilballofire72@yahoo.com | x |
127 | 1/1/2024 9:26:40 | sally.chambless@yahoo.com | o |
128 | 1/1/2024 9:27:20 | Dainaroberts@live.com | x |
129 | 1/1/2024 9:30:06 | aloe.suarez@outlook.com | x |
130 | 1/1/2024 9:35:25 | jacqueline.weglewski@gmail.com | x |
131 | 1/1/2024 9:37:54 | steph@stephandbronko.com | x |
132 | 1/1/2024 9:47:00 | hernandez.jenn@gmail.com | x |
133 | 1/1/2024 9:53:35 | brenna.agamaite@gmail.com | o |
134 | 1/1/2024 9:56:19 | mazaldivar@bellsouth.net | o |
135 | 1/1/2024 9:57:06 | brenna.agamaite@gmail.com | o |
136 | 1/1/2024 9:57:38 | kadyroberts94@gmail.com | o |
137 | 1/1/2024 9:58:28 | mazaldivar@bellsouth.net | o |
138 | 1/1/2024 10:03:25 | quinnjordon79@icloud.com | o |
139 | 1/1/2024 10:05:08 | ktjc216@gmail.com | o |
140 | 1/1/2024 10:05:53 | Margaretmclark4@gmail.com | o |
141 | 1/1/2024 10:05:54 | Kfonseca02@gmail.com | o |
142 | 1/1/2024 10:08:22 | robertmalone36@gmail.com | o |
143 | 1/1/2024 10:08:43 | Dtreuman@gmail.com | o |
144 | 1/1/2024 10:12:25 | Heather.chitwood@gmail.com | o |
145 | 1/1/2024 10:12:35 | jennbella82@gmail.com | o |
146 | 1/1/2024 10:23:36 | mdmlarkin@msn.com | o |
147 | 1/1/2024 10:23:40 | Lbelle9995@yahoo.com | o |
148 | 1/1/2024 10:24:56 | Tearawayface@gmail.com | o |
149 | 1/1/2024 10:25:46 | amberlybrewster@yahoo.com | o |
150 | 1/1/2024 10:27:12 | jesscaa530@gmail.com | o |
151 | 1/1/2024 10:32:58 | Cortniem8@gmail.com | XX |
152 | 1/1/2024 10:33:53 | Aledgar03@yahoo.com | o |
153 | 1/1/2024 10:34:29 | susieb7169@att.net | o |
154 | 1/1/2024 10:37:55 | aelanirtak@gmail.com | o |
155 | 1/1/2024 10:42:39 | Theresagroome@gmail.com | o |
156 | 1/1/2024 10:44:52 | Lm011163@gmail.com | o |
157 | 1/1/2024 10:49:29 | Oriole619@gmail.com | o |
158 | 1/1/2024 10:50:05 | sherylpit14@gmail.com | o |
159 | 1/1/2024 10:50:15 | jereads@comcast.net | o |
160 | 1/1/2024 10:55:22 | Knhmom@aol.com | o |
161 | 1/1/2024 10:59:43 | xxxxxxx | o |
162 | 1/1/2024 11:04:31 | Twengel2000@yahoo.com | o |
163 | 1/1/2024 11:04:32 | Lowzbug@gmail.com | o |
164 | 1/1/2024 11:04:53 | Kaitiemhutton@gmail.com | o |
165 | 1/1/2024 11:09:44 | aopland@gmail.com | o |
166 | 1/1/2024 11:11:04 | terrabrown74@gmail.com | o |
167 | 1/1/2024 11:21:49 | jstricklandphotography@gmail.com | o |
168 | 1/1/2024 11:23:33 | Dramatay@gmail.com | o |
169 | 1/1/2024 11:27:39 | Jessica.e.mancini@gmail.com | o |
170 | 1/1/2024 11:31:23 | Killeenmccaughey@yahoo.com | o |
171 | 1/1/2024 11:32:31 | Dohrianne@gmail.com | o |
172 | 1/1/2024 11:34:59 | Meganbading@gmail.com | o |
173 | 1/1/2024 11:35:59 | Kwilks@iuhealth.org | o |
174 | 1/1/2024 11:39:11 | Halleyramirez11@yahoo.com | o |
175 | 1/1/2024 11:40:08 | Ashley.berns@yahoo.com | o |
176 | 1/1/2024 11:44:34 | Maacsa@hotmail.com | o |
177 | 1/1/2024 11:54:38 | Photoshooter007@gmail.com | o |
178 | 1/1/2024 11:57:59 | Nicole_pietras@hotmail.com | o |
179 | 1/1/2024 11:58:37 | jbrownell66@gmail.com | o |
180 | 1/1/2024 12:01:57 | Jordan.linehan@yahoo.com | o |
181 | 1/1/2024 12:02:27 | Chrispy10@gmail.com | o |
182 | 1/1/2024 12:07:31 | tommy_barnhill@yahoo.com | o |
183 | 1/1/2024 12:07:48 | Shadowritual@aol.com | o |
184 | 1/1/2024 12:09:31 | stumpf01@gmail.com | o |
185 | 1/1/2024 12:12:27 | Ideanna555@gmail.com | o |
186 | 1/1/2024 12:14:49 | Judy.giehl@gmail.com | o |
187 | 1/1/2024 12:15:11 | Allybear42@gmail.com | o |
188 | 1/1/2024 12:15:15 | Wilkstj816@gmail.com | o |
189 | 1/1/2024 12:15:35 | Kari.hecker@gmail.com | o |
190 | 1/1/2024 12:18:10 | mattledder@gmail.com | o |
191 | 1/1/2024 12:35:54 | charmingtails@hotmail.com | o |
192 | 1/1/2024 12:36:28 | Lindsay.rahel@gmail.com | o |
193 | 1/1/2024 12:40:23 | Chrystallavalle@gmail.com | o |
194 | 1/1/2024 12:44:44 | Macias.melissa.a@gmail.com | o |
195 | 1/1/2024 12:49:35 | Matthew.c.macias@gmail.com | o |
196 | 1/1/2024 12:51:31 | Sallygorenstein@gmail.com | o |
197 | 1/1/2024 12:54:53 | Rocksteady220@yahoo.com | o |
198 | 1/1/2024 12:55:11 | Kiyalinmiars@gmail.com | o |
199 | 1/1/2024 12:58:12 | Sjtfly@gmail.com | o |
200 | 1/1/2024 13:07:11 | Kim.thompsonboring@icloud.com | o |
201 | 1/1/2024 13:11:02 | nexukitty36@gmail.com | o |
202 | 1/1/2024 13:12:27 | Ashli.hostettler@gmail.com | o |
203 | 1/1/2024 13:15:19 | Pferr133@gmail.com | o |
204 | 1/1/2024 13:22:53 | blowpopsrule@yahoo.com | o |
205 | 1/1/2024 13:23:13 | melissa@charbonneau.com | o |
206 | 1/1/2024 13:24:04 | blowpopsrule@yahoo.com | o |
207 | 1/1/2024 14:08:00 | marcielexi@gmail.com | x |
208 | 1/1/2024 14:09:09 | martinalucas615@gmail.com | o |
209 | 1/1/2024 14:10:27 | johnferretti1@icloud.com | o |
210 | 1/1/2024 14:11:22 | Shookie326@gmail.com | o |
211 | 1/1/2024 14:12:19 | jrhostetter@gmail.com | o |
212 | 1/1/2024 14:15:15 | Kstafford32701@yahoo.com | o |
213 | 1/1/2024 14:23:57 | Unomiami@gmail.com | o |
214 | 1/1/2024 14:54:23 | monika.zimmerman@gmail.com | o |
215 | 1/1/2024 15:06:52 | rhughes02@icloud.com | o |
216 | 1/1/2024 15:12:52 | Kathryn.stangeland@gmail.com | o |
217 | 1/1/2024 15:13:43 | elantrice@dizthrubrowneyes.com | o |
218 | 1/1/2024 15:20:19 | Jillannzaksheske@gmail.com | o |
219 | 1/1/2024 15:21:45 | maryr0113@gmail.com | o |
220 | 1/1/2024 15:22:53 | shellysevilkitty@yahoo.com | o |
221 | 1/1/2024 15:26:47 | lmsuter1@icloud.com | o |
222 | 1/1/2024 15:27:05 | Ambbum@yahoo.com | o |
223 | 1/1/2024 15:33:35 | Mymonte2@gmail.com | o |
224 | 1/1/2024 16:14:06 | asc_gavaller@yahoo.com | o |
225 | 1/1/2024 16:21:23 | pmcaldousany@aol.com | o |
226 | 1/1/2024 16:23:26 | amschoir@gmail.com | o |
227 | 1/1/2024 16:32:08 | Karenharrison60@icloud.com | o |
228 | 1/1/2024 16:35:25 | Morgan.ramsey.11@gmail.com | o |
229 | 1/1/2024 16:38:06 | darline614@gmail.com | o |
230 | 1/1/2024 17:04:14 | jefftracyhedrick@gmail.com | o |
231 | 1/1/2024 17:35:10 | mgaston518@gmail.com | o |
232 | 1/1/2024 17:37:02 | Brandyvgroup@gmail.com | o |
233 | 1/1/2024 19:02:33 | sedusa84@gmail.com | o |
234 | 1/1/2024 19:05:55 | treemat08@gmail.com | o |
235 | 1/1/2024 19:07:07 | amwithe@gmail.com | o |
236 | 1/1/2024 20:08:57 | Crystalwellhausen@gmail.com | o |
237 | 1/1/2024 20:20:19 | Bethany102399@gmail.com | o |
238 | 1/1/2024 20:33:58 | Mlbailey92@gmail.com | x |
239 | 1/1/2024 21:00:21 | Rut3@verizon.net | o |
240 | 1/1/2024 21:04:25 | max_ophelia@yahoo.com | o |
241 | 1/1/2024 21:09:54 | Sgibson413@live.com | o |
242 | 1/1/2024 21:11:16 | Bobby Harwell | o |
243 | 1/1/2024 21:13:14 | Bobbyharwell@outlook.com | o |
244 | 1/1/2024 21:46:20 | Meb9998@yahoo.com | o |
245 | 1/1/2024 21:50:27 | Tmorse305@comcast.net | o |
246 | 1/1/2024 21:58:01 | misstrodz@gmail.com | o |
247 | 1/1/2024 23:14:45 | mommylovescaleb@yahoo.com | o |
248 | 1/1/2024 23:16:14 | bryanjames8829@yahoo.com | o |
249 | 1/1/2024 23:18:37 | dmkrane@msn.com | o |
250 | 1/2/2024 0:14:10 | miraclesforminimumwage@gmail.com | o |
251 | 1/2/2024 1:12:44 | oneprecious@me.com | o |
252 | 1/2/2024 2:15:17 | jillianb31@icloud.com | o |
253 | 1/2/2024 2:48:33 | francist13@gmail.com | x |
254 | 1/2/2024 3:12:02 | Depthtechdesign@gmail.com | o |
255 | 1/2/2024 3:32:00 | Syraymer@gmail.com | o |
256 | 1/2/2024 3:41:45 | Mets08abel@aol.com | o |
257 | 1/2/2024 4:20:22 | mtrtlt@msn.com | o |
258 | 1/2/2024 5:00:15 | prainbow70@yahoo.com | o |
259 | 1/2/2024 10:36:01 | irishgreenfairies@yahoo.com | o |
260 | 1/2/2024 11:03:24 | Sreilly413@gmail.com | o |
261 | 1/2/2024 14:10:13 | Letsaddbutter@gmail.com | o |
262 | 1/2/2024 14:10:30 | Victoriadesoto@icloud.com | o |
263 | 1/2/2024 14:28:41 | fantasy.nature.arts@gmail.com | o |
264 | 1/2/2024 14:32:32 | mlgraner73@gmail.com | o |
265 | 1/2/2024 14:46:03 | nijeka@live.com | o |
266 | 1/2/2024 14:46:31 | Steelrfn71@gmail.com | o |
267 | 1/2/2024 14:50:33 | mickeyfan1999@me.com | o |
268 | 1/2/2024 14:51:51 | Gabriella.joma@yahoo.com | o |
269 | 1/2/2024 14:52:31 | Tonigirlca@aol.com | o |
270 | 1/2/2024 14:57:14 | H.m.kissane@gmail.com | o |
271 | 1/2/2024 14:58:31 | ifrahimran.us@gmail.com | o |
272 | 1/2/2024 15:01:45 | mvegas9@icloud.com | o |
273 | 1/2/2024 15:08:17 | Sowrongitsashh@yahoo.com | o |
274 | 1/2/2024 15:16:48 | nekape13@gmail.com | o |
275 | 1/3/2024 21:21:43 | Jamcdilda@aol.com | o |
276 | 1/6/2024 18:21:45 | hopieam@juno.com | o |
277 | 1/13/2024 7:40:56 | brianhumphries@gmail.com | o |
278 | 1/15/2024 0:00:57 | cassandra.alligood93@gmail.com | o |
279 | 1/15/2024 | Chr Med | o |
280 | 1/15/2024 | Ch Med | o |